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Another Year about to start

So another year is about to begin. I have open house on July 30 and opening day on August 1. Then, my kiddos on August 2nd. I am nervous because I am switching what I am doing. I am going to be teaching Writing. I think that the only survival will be the strategies that I have learned from Whole Brain Teaching. If you don't know what that is, then you should go and check out that site. Just click on that link. I have learned all kinds of cool techniques for the classroom.

I discovered WBT when I was on maternity with my 2nd child. I fell in love because I had THE worse class of my 12 years of teaching and there was no getting through to them. Well, WBT saved my life. I used the Teach/Okay, Scoreboard, and Super Speed 100 all the time. It helped me to survive. I will go into more details, in another post. I thought today that I would show you a power point that I got from Pinterest. I absolutely love that site. The Power-point is designed to give students my expectations. I will not claim this as my idea. I got it from What the Teacher Wants site. I just changed some things around to work with my class. I hope mine does her's justice.

Well, in the next couple of days, I will be telling you about my new love of WBT.

See ya soon,